Friday, October 28, 2011

Gang Braggers

Astral Facts, October 2011

Astral: (Theosophy) Consisting of, belonging to, or designating, a kind of supersensible substance alleged to be next above the tangible world in refinement; as, astral spirits; astral bodies of persons; astral current.

Gang Braggers

The end of October is always a time for contrasts.

Of course, the last day, Halloween, is the evening before the Hallowed Day of November first, also called All Saints’ Day.  Hell and Heaven in open confrontation! 

 This time also leads into the general elections coming in early November, and we’re getting all the “I’m right, the other side is wrong” election material flying in from every direction. This year we see even more of the same with the budget cuts on the horizon raising the “cut theirs, not mine” specters along the spectrum.

In the Humanities Sciences, with life imitating art, we usually have a new season of voting survivors off islands and the dance floor and such, as well as bombardments of the film releases, DVD and celluloid, leading into the holiday season.  Will the Great Pumpkin fail to show again or not?

Out in the ‘hood the Bloods and Crips are banging away at each other on a regular basis, as gang bangers are noted for doing.

In all this, perhaps one of the classic “struggles” is the mano v. mano battle between East Coast and West Coast styles.

Before the current “tea party” politics were in vogue, lines were drawn with “tea party” gang bragging of a different kind, as evidenced in the following “Battle of the Bands” salvos, [eastern formal prep v. western casual organic?] which have come to the attention of us here among the Humanities Sciences eavesdroppers.

(Of course, this is presented in an academic vein, with no suggested endorsement of either style or the products associated with them.)

So take a look and see which gets your vote:

Remember:  Stay kewl, playahs!

Walter Lowe

Astral Facts is a monthly presentation of Humanities Science, produced in the bowels of the Humanities Science offices.